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Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas.

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Nitrous Oxide

Formula: N2O

Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas.

Nitrous oxide is used as an inhalation anesthetic. It is sometimes called laughing gas. It is commonly used as an anesthetic and analgesic in dentistry and surgery.

Nitrous oxide is also used as a propellant for whipped cream cans. It is used as an oxidizer in a rocket engine. It allows the engine in car racing to burn more fuel by providing more oxygen than air alone, resulting in a more powerful combustion.

Further Specifications
Cylinder Sizes
  • Used chiefly as an inhalation anesthetic
  • As a dispersing agent in whipped cream cans
  • Used as an oxidizer in a rocket motor
  • It allows the engine in car racing to burn more fuel by providing more oxygen than air alone which results in a more powerful combustion
  • Can be used as an anesthetic and analgesic in dentistry and surgery
Grade 4.5 Grade 5
Purity 99.995% 99.999%
Nitrogen < 7 ppmv < 2 ppmv
Oxygen < 2 ppmv < 2 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide < 2 ppmv < 2 ppmv
Carbon Monoxide < 0.1 ppmv
Methane < 1 ppmv < 0.1 ppmv
Water < 2 ppmv
Ammonia < 0.5 ppmv
Nitric Oxide and Nitrogen Dioxide < 0.5 ppmv
Chemical & Physical Properties
Molecular Weight 44.01
Specific Volume 8.7 cu.ft/lb
Pressure @ 70°F 745 psig
Valve Outlet CGA 326 DISS 712
Shipping Information
DOT Name Nitrous Oxide
Hazard Class 2.2
DOT No. UN 1070
DOT Label Non-Flammable Gas Oxidizer
CAS No. 10024-97-2
Cylinder Size Fill Weight (lb)
44L/Size 200 60

**Moisture level guaranteed only when Electronic Fluorocarbons prepares the cylinders.
All concentrations are on a mol/mol basis unless otherwise stated.
Product sold on the basis of total impurities. Individual impurities may vary slightly.

*This gas not available for purchase online.