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Propadiene is a colorless, flammable, liquefied gas with a detectable odor.

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Formula: Allene, C3H4

Propadiene (C3H4) is a colorless, flammable, liquefied gas with a detectable odor.

Further Specifications
Cylinder Sizes
  • As a fuel for specialized welding
Grade 1.5
Purity 95.0%
Other Hydrocarbons < 5%
Moisture < 5 ppmv
Total Impurities < 5%
Chemical & Physical Properties
Molecular Weight 40.065
Specific Volume 9.6 cu ft/lb
Pressure @ 70° F 102 psig
Valve Outlet CGA 510 LB CGA 170
Shipping Information
DOT Name Propadiene, Inhibited
Hazard Class 2.1
DOT No. UN 2200
DOT Label Flammable Gas
CAS No. 463-49-0
Cylinder Size Fill Weight (lb)
LP30 110
LP15 50
LP05 20
LP01 5
49L/Size 300 50
44L/Size 200 45
16L/Size 80 17
7L/Size 35 7

**Moisture level guaranteed only when Electronic Fluorocarbons prepares the cylinders.
All concentrations are on a mol/mol basis unless otherwise stated.
Product sold on the basis of total impurities. Individual impurities may vary slightly.

*This gas not available for purchase online.