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Xenon (Xe)

Xenon (Xe) is a colorless, odorless, nonflammable noble gas.

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Formula: Xe

What Is Xenon Gas?

Xenon (Xe) is a heavy and extremely rare noble gas. Discovered in 1898, it was the first noble gas found to form true chemical compounds. Xenon has a very high ionization potential, high density (more than 4.5 times heavier than air), and low heat capacity.

Industry Applications for Xenon

Xenon is used in a wide variety of applications despite being a trace gas.

Excimer Lasers

Xenon is a component of excimer laser mixes to produce certain wavelengths. It is a required component in the gas mixes used to produce 282 nm (XeBr), 308 nm (XeCl), and 351 nm (XeF).

Sputter Deposition

Xenon is used in sputter deposition, especially for depositing coatings with higher molecular weights. Although more expensive than argon, xenon provides higher yield and better coating quality when used with heavier atoms. It is often used for sputter coating in applications such as hard disk manufacturing.

Semiconductor Production

Xenon is utilized in the production of semiconductors for annealing, etching, and lithography applications. It acts as both a surface disruption agent and a plasma modulator, influencing plasma composition through secondary ionization. Historically, argon was used due to its lower cost and availability, but xenon allows for additional selective ion influence in plasma.

Space Propulsion

Xenon has long been used as a propellant for satellites and other spacecraft. It is a preferred propellant for electric propulsion systems, such as Hall effect thrusters or ion thrusters. These thrusters ionize and expel xenon at high speeds, providing in-space propulsion that is much more efficient than conventional chemical propulsion. Xenon electric propulsion is used for orbit-raising, station-keeping of satellites, and has propelled space probes to Mercury and the asteroid belt.

Lighting Applications

Due to its physical and chemical properties, xenon is used in various lighting applications, including incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and high-intensity discharge lamps.

Detection Systems

Xenon mixes are used in detectors, including those for radiation and infrared light detection. It is also employed in large detectors designed to find dark matter.

Medical Applications

Xenon has some medical applications, such as enhancing MRI imaging and serving as an anesthetic.

Further Specifications
Cylinder Sizes
  • In the lighting industry: Both sodium and mercury lamps, which are used extensively for outdoor and roadway lighting are filled with pure xenon.
  • Used for incandescent lamps, iodine lamps (car headlights), arc lights, flash bulbs, cinema projection lamps, Klieg lights for filming (sunlight simulation), and space simulation lamps.
  • When mixed with oxygen, xenon is used in CAT (Computer Aided Tomography) scanners for blood flow mapping.
  • When mixed with methane, xenon is used as a fill gas for proportional counters and other types of radiation detectors.
  • Xenon-based chemical compounds can serve as fluorinating and oxidizing agents.
  • Used for mass spectrometer calibration.
  • Used in some types of ion and excimer lasers.
Grade 4.5 Grade 5 Grade 5.5
Purity 99.995% 99.999% 99.9995%
Nitrogen <5 ppm < 4 ppm < 1 ppm
Oxygen < 2 ppm < 1 ppm < 0.1 ppm
Carbon Monoxide < 1 ppm < 0.5 ppm < 0.2 ppm
Carbon Dioxide < 1 ppm < 0.5 ppm < 0.2 ppm
Moisture < 2 ppm < 1 ppm < 0.5 ppm
Total Hydrocarbons < 1 ppm < 0.5 ppm < 0.1 ppm
Krypton <25 ppm < 3 ppm < 2 ppm
Total Fluorocarbons < 0.1 ppm
Argon < 1 ppm < 1 ppm
Hydrogen < 1 ppm < 2 ppm
Halocarbon 14 < 0.1 ppm
Chemical & Physical Properties
Molecular Weight 131.1
Specific Volume 2.9 cu.ft/lb
Pressure @ 70° F 1000 psia
Valve Outlet CGA 580
Shipping Information
DOT Name Xenon
Hazard Class 2.2
DOT No. UN 2036
DOT Label Green, Non-Flammable Gas
CAS No. 7440-63-3
Cylinder Size Fill Volume (L)
49L/Size 300 10,000
44L/Size 200 7,500
44L/Size 200 5,000
16L/Size 80 2,000
5.9L/Size 33A 1,000
3.9L/Size 22A 500
2.7L/Size 9A 500
2.7L/Size 9A 250
2.7L/Size 9A 100
0.5L/Lecture Bottle 50
0.5L/Lecture Bottle 25

FAQs about Xenon

How is Xenon (Xe) used in the aerospace industry?

The aerospace industry has been using Xenon since the 1960s. It has been used for satellite programs, space travel, and propellant for ion thrusters in spacecraft and satellites. Airports also use Xenon for runway lighting due to its bright blue hue.

Which gas is used in car headlights?

Xenon and Halogen are commonly used for car headlights. Xenon gas headlights are also more energy-efficient, using half as much energy as typical Halogen bulbs. Xenon gas has superior brightness on the road, all while minimizing the glare that shines on oncoming traffic.

Moisture level guaranteed only when EFC Gases & Advanced Materials prepares the cylinders.
All concentrations are on a mol/mol basis unless otherwise stated. Product sold on the basis of total impurities. Individual impurities may vary slightly.